Thursday, September 29, 2011

Snuggle Time for Theo

Theo is such a sweetheart. We have all fallen in love with this cute not so little guy. He brightens my days by just being so happy to see me every morning. As you can see from the picture, he is great with kids. He's even fine with the cats. Sometimes the cats don't like him sniffing them so they'll let him know when they've had enough. As far as potty training, I think we are almost there. The first few weeks he was here he would bark to go out in the middle of the night. He's stopped that as of this week. I am thrilled because I really like my sleep. We are still in a state of construction as we have ripped up the carpeting in the front room and have yet to put in the new flooring. Fishing trips and a new-to-us hot tub have been in the way. Hopefully when things get back to normal we will be completely potty trained. His accidents are fewer and everyday and most days doesn't even have one.

Theo is a very smart boy too. He knows "sit" and is learning "lay down." I have been pretty busy and just haven't had the chance to work on much with him. He is crate trained but would probably love to sleep on the floor by your bed. We just don't have that option as my husband is allergic to just about everything in this world.

I know we have that he's a special needs dog but the only thing "special needs" about him is his head bobbing and tremors which actually seem a bit better this week. He's eating more and gaining some much needed weight too.

Forever family, if your out there and reading this just know that Theo is just such a happy guy and can do all the things a "non-bobbing" dog can do. He's even gone to the dog park and absolutely loved it. When the rain subsides we plan on making another trip. He's waiting forever family. Until your ready, I will love him with all my heart and finish potty training him for you. He has so much love to give. Honestly, you could take your time because I kinda love him a lot. It's not about me though. It's about finding Theo a good home. Uh, better go. It started raining and now I'm going to have a stinky hound to dry off. haha

Thanks for thinking rescue.

Mrs. FF
Theo is